My 2019 in Review

Ezekiel Bassey
4 min readDec 31, 2019


During my office End of the Year Party, everyone was asked about their personal and professional achievements this year. I said something around, “I finished NYSC and I learned bla-bla-bla….” I was honestly disappointed with myself because I thought I haven’t done anything.

So the only reason I’m writing this review is to prove to myself that its not been so bad. So here goes…nothing .

From my last year review, I hinted some of my major plans for this year (you can read about it here). I’d use that as a reference.


I spent about 10+ months away from Lagos, somewhere in Lafarge Street, Umuchima, Ihiagwa, Owerri West, Owerri, Imo State — or beside FUTO for easier context.

It was an interesting experience as I got to meet very different people. I even got into a relationship but it was brief and ended in tears. If you’ve read my 2018 year in review, you’d notice I was excited about moving to Owerri because NYSC posted me to FUTO. Well, they rejected me! I felt bad I won lie.

I was reposted to a private secondary school where I taught mathematics. I taught JS1-SS2 but asked to be rejected after 3 weeks (I really don’t like stress in my life). I was reposted to another school deep in the village. After checking out the place, I also told the principal to reject me. As punishment, My LGI then posted me- an architecture graduate with Masters — to a Seminary.

The Seminary afforded me all the free time I wanted. Asides not resuming after 6 weeks, I went there about 4 times a month. It reduced to 2 times after a couple of months, times I went to collect Clearance letter. God bless Miss Julliet.

I also got to meet some exciting people and I survived it against popular beliefs.


This is an architecture partnership I started off with Minima sometime in January, the beginning of my Service year. By the end of my service year, we had worked on at least 10 projects and got paid for about 6.

I made occasion trips to Aba because of the projects and I even had to crash at her village home and also at a clients' hotel because of my movements. It was fun though - not always - but it was.

I learned quickly that the role of architects was barely recognized in the East. Architects and Engineers were seen as the same people by the client. A lump sum is usually given to the contractor to out of which he’s to hire various consultants with. You cam imagine how miserable the fees would be. Myself and Minima had a break though as we were able to get client to pay meaningfully for a hotel design gig.

Overall, we had a good run and we’ve concluded that we’d give it a try for another year.

I also worked for an interesting client who wanted an Office High rise render out of nothing!


Again, I didn’t do as much as I intended too for SustyVibes but I’m really grateful for my Co-lead Teni for stepping up whenever needed.

Two major things we did was throwing the writing platform open for all and also promoting the Petroleum Industry Bill through our platforms. It helps sets in motion what I’ve always been keen about — we shaking tables.


Spending the year at Owerri really influenced my perspective on life. Its tough living around students who have a twisted perspective on life, who believe school is scam, and yahoo is the way.

The problem arises because very little progress in normal climes is seen as a lot and this can easily make one laid back in his attitude towards growth in life. So a lot of my time was made battling that stereotype.

It was also one of the reasons that forced me to start working immediately as a means of mental re-orientation.


I returned to work 6 weeks before close of work for the year. It seemed like a rush but it was quite exciting getting back to cooperate work after a full year.


A lot of what happened during the year was gaining clarity on who I was not, my interests, and generally how I need get better in every ramification.

2020 is for Doing.

